Greetings from the Office of Alumni Relations (OAR), University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
The OAR is dedicated to providing institutional support for her Alumni whenever the need arises and wherever they might be, it is our dream that our Office will be the first point of call for alumni in need of anything from the University. We hope to engender lifelong partnerships with each alumnus and alumni association that will be mutually beneficial. We plan to be deliberate in creating a vibrant community of alumni that facilitate networking opportunities, familial bonding, and commitment to the alma mater borne out of a sense of belonging as graduates of the great University of Ibadan. Specifically, the Office will work in close partnership with Departments and Faculties to facilitate alumni engagement efforts geared towards the alumni assisting those units.
Also, we are committed to encouraging homecoming events on both the micro and macro levels. At the micro level, alumni of departments, faculties, and special groups would be expected to organize annual or biennial homecoming programmes while the OAR at the macro level will organize a general annual homecoming event comprising all alumni of the University.
Fundraising for the University is another important area that OAR is involved in. There is a need to give back to the University in order to complement the traditional funding sources and maintain the tradition of excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement that the University of Ibadan is known for.
This is a journey, and if we go on it together we will definitely go far. I call on you as an alumnus of the great University of Ibadan to join us in building a worthwhile alumni community that will be our collective pride and the envy of all. I have no doubt that with all hands on deck, this can be done.
Thank you and welcome to OAR
Professor Peter O. Olapegba, PhD, fnpa